Drop The mic!

Standing on this beautiful lighted stage, all decked out in my African Regal ensemble, glittering from head to toe; music died down and the announcer said, from somewhere above the stage, “put your hands together for Lady Mitz!

But silence, and more silence!  100 people in the room and zero (0) support.  Then I said, I want to tell you about God, and the silence persisted; if you dropped a pin, you could hear it.

Then one step forward, I said, Ok, fellas, God bless you all, turned around, dropped the mic, and before I could step towards the door to leave, 100 people in the room, all stood up and begin to chant “Lady Mitz, Lady Mitz, “boom, boom, chim”(the banging sound), Lady, Mitz, Lady Mitz, Boom, Boom, Chim! The sound and cheering grew louder and louder; and as I tried to turn around, I woke up!

Wow, what a dream!

Of course, it was a dream; I was watching a video of Wendy William talking about the feud between Madonna and Lady Gaga.  There was a video where Madonna Said, “100 people in the roam and 99 liked her but she only remembers the one who didn’t.” Wendy also shows many clips of Lady Gaga saying, “100 people in the room 99 did not care but she holds on to the one who does,” Wendy in the video says that its not the same thing.  She encourages Madonna who thinks that Lady Gaga is copying her, that it is not the same thing, and advices her to “bury the hatchet” but not on the adversary back, and then I fell asleep!

Madonna and Lady Gaga feuds ended in February 2019, when Gaga won the Oscar for “Shallow “and proceeded to attend Madonna’s after party. No Surprise, Gaga has always admired Madonna.  They two even posed for picture at the party.  Can you imagine those two doing a Gospel song together to honor God for their super talents?  That song will not only win every award, but it will turn over the WORLD around, winning billions of SOULS for the LORD of LORDS!

For “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).   And also,

“All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the

LORD has commanded” (Exodus 35:10).

What about you, who do you see in the crowd?

What is your super talent, your good and perfect gift from above?

How will you honor God for these talents?

My name is Mercy, welcome to my blog.

I see the ones who are the most vulnerable in the crowd;

My super talent is …….

I honor God for these talents through my Foundation

I can’t wait to hear from you, many blessings to you and yours!



Feb 25, 2019 – Lady Gaga and Madonna attend the Marc Jacobs 2010 Spring Fashion Show at the NY State Armory on September 14, 2009 in New York City.
